Sunday 25 September 2011

To my 'other half'?

I had my hair coloured today - you were actually there in the building so you can't possibly claim that you didn't know. A 'your hair looks good' would have been nice. If you genuinely didn't notice or care then; well I'm not sure if that's better or worse. How difficult could it be to say it?

I am paranoid/sensitive/hard work I know. But honestly? If you find me as unattractive/tedious/worthless as I think you do, then really just let me know and get it over with quickly. Don't let it drag on for a while and then put me through some hideous break up which I could REALLY do without. Or perhaps if you do really love me and want to be with me then perhaps you could sometimes, oh, I don't know, SAY SO???!!!

I've got lots of friends who I would describe as 'high maintenance'. By which I mean they are, by my standards, unreasonably demanding of their boyfriends/husbands. I always prided myself on being the antithesis of this; easygoing, non demanding. Perhaps I am so low in self esteem that I thought that no-one would want me if I dared to actually 'demand' or 'require' something.

Well, I've finally decided that I'm not going to feel like this any more. So my question today is honestly, really, am I just being a cow? If you've been in a long term relationship with someone for 4 years during which you've bought a house and had a child with them, would it REALLY be too much to ask to be told that you are lovely once in a while? And if you aren't told that, would it be unreasonable to presume that you aren't, and that your 'other half' is taking you for granted?

Answers on a postcard.............

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