Thursday 22 September 2011

Names have been changed to protect the annoying.......

Well I've had one hell of an annoying evening. Although the chances of the person I'm talking about ever stumbling across this blog and reading it, I will make an effort not to be too specific.

I have just about had enough of a particular person who has a history of winding me up with the following traits:

Having a very specific idea of what they want to happen *in their head*
Not coherently sharing said ideas with the rest of us
Silently brooding in the background whilst we attempt to recreate the 'vision'
Eventually erupting in a petulant display of 'NO NO NO!! It's supposed to be like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis'

This coupled with a sulky and childish habit of coming out with the classic 'well we'll just do it your way then, my way obviously isn't good enough' (or words to that effect).


Oh, and in case I forget why I started this blog (or if anyone is still interested) I'm still sneezing regularly! And completed this online today:

which officially informs me that I am a Synaesthete. Which in a strange sort of way makes me proud :-)

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