Thursday 25 August 2011

I've made it my mission....

.... to discover more about sneezing.

I'll try and explain why, and if you can follow to the end of this perhaps odd missive then you're more than welcome to follow me on my exciting journey of discover!! You'll soon learn to love my excessive use of the exclamation mark, possible CAPITAL LETTER overuse and almost certainly some rambling which will meander into subjects of no consequence....

Firstly, I LOVE SNEEZING!! Love it - feeling the tickle in the nose and the anticipation of the joy to come. The release of tension and, if I'm in the car or out of earshot of potential passers by, the primal noise which accompanies the all important moment.

But here comes my problem: I also HATE SNEEZING... when other people do it. And I'm not just talking about being mildly irritated by the noise or potential for passing on disease. I actually have an emotional and physical reaction to it which, on occasion, has caused me to physically harm myself (biting myself on the arm - more of this later...) and kicking a wall. This may seem excessive, until I confess that I'm much better off kicking a wall than punching the perpetrator in the face to try and cease the noise (which is what I really, genuinely want to do).

Okaaaay. So things I'm going to explore and think about over the coming months (days, years?) just to wet your appetite so to speak:

Birth Experiences
The Dog
How often does the average person sneeze each day?

Myself, I've done it 4 times so far today.

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