Ok so I'm a bit behind. A full on weekend which involved the death of a beloved friend's beloved father. Needless to say I wasn't intent on counting my sneezing but, this is a blog about that so here we go...
Haven't been counting but in the last 5 days since I posted I've been sneezing at least 9 or 10 times a day. So there, I'll try and be more accurate from now on....
Questions raised this week:
Does having children make you sneeze?
Does having a dog make you sneeze?
Does booze make you sneeze?
(I know the answer to one of these, obviously....) I drink a fair amount, but always have so I don't think that's a factor. I do, however, seem to have been sneezing since I gave birth to my second son in April 2010. I developed hay fever after giving birth to my first son in February 2003. I didn't used to like olives until I was pregnant with first son though - it does strange things to you.... (edited to add... repeating myself, sorry)
An interesting thing occured to me on Monday, which may or may not be relevant, but I think to do with some strain of the synesthaesia (more to follow, I keep promising then keep getting sidetracked). On playing Guitar Hero with my lovely boyfriend, I realised that whenever I start to play (start, not finish, it's only at the beginning) I am reminded of the time my ex-husband and I had a (rather rubbish) evening meal in a pub during a holiday in Cornwall in 2002. I think there's a name for this phenomenon but I don't know what it is (I want to say zeitgeist - I know it's wrong but it's something like that).
It's similar to when I was married to said ex, and on quite a number of occasions when we were 'getting intimate' as they say, I was reminded of the corner shop on the corner of the traffic lights near my Uncle's house in the south of England. Weird, yes? Explainable? Probably. Who to explain it? No idea!!
Or do I? I haven't told you about the synesthaesia yet. I'm hopefully going to be taking part in some research soon which may shed some light. Hoorah!!!
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